~ The Lady, Miss J ~
Always a LADY * a passionate woman * so true to my Cancer zodiac sign it's freaky * generally a very happy person - what is there to be so miserable about? Even when things go wrong, there is still plenty enough that is right * oh so easily amused * love a challenge, perhaps because I like to know and show that I'm capable * a great cook * a knack for decorating * lucky or maybe blessed? * definitely an optimist, but also a realist * adaptation is key * base things on their own merit * romance is not dead!!! * spontaneity is a must * family is important * friendships are invaluable * a modern woman with some old fashioned beliefs * intelligent * what my nephew calls a pretty nerd * social, but also a homebody * takes no shit * highly intuitive * creative * independent * ambitous * fun * hard working * never early, occasionally on time, usually late * loyal * organized * stubborn (but only because I know I'm right!) * disciplined * motivated * energetic * demanding * competitive (in a healthy way) * loving * outspoken (oh yeah) * humourous * sarcastic * silly * impatient * verbal * overachiever * decisive * proud * I am ME, not who you want me to be * not conceited, but maybe convinced and most definitely confident because I know what I'm worth