reading-singing-hanging out with friends-LAUGHING-flag football-writing-talking to my mom-watching American Idol (u know how we do, Auntie Pat)-lying down on clean sheets with the airconditioner on-make up and working at ABS.-history-men-vanilla lattes-mango rhum-music-Broadway Plays-NEW YORK CITY-JOHN STAMOS - he's the first man i ever loved. ;)
Your Candy Heart Says "Cutie Pie"
You always seem to have a hot date, even though you never try to meet anyone.
A total charmer, you have a natural appeal that keeps you in high demand.
Your ideal Valentine's Day date: multiple dates with multiple people
Your flirting style: 100% natural
What turns you off: serious relationship talks
Why you're hot: you're totally addicting
What Does Your Candy Heart Say?
Cool Stuff at
on here? i dunno really.... thats a good question.
mariah-shes a guilty pleasure.. i like the fact that she writes her own stuff. Lance Onate- hes got alot more talent than he's given credit for. i like broadway soundtracks: (Les Mis, Miss Saigon, Phantom, South Pacific, The Last Five Years, Avenue Q, Rent, The Producers, Sound of Music)i know a lot of people will laugh at me for putting this but i love church songs. i swear. even after mass they get stuck in my head. i said it! i said it! im ok with being dorky like that!ill listen to anything. im an RnB girl by heart but i go through phases. right now its The Killers and Taking Back Sunday. lastly, i fully support the cebu music scene.
white chicks is hilarious, white oleander is a nice story and love actually always makes me feel good. the sound of music always touches my heart because i watched it all the time with my dad. i memorized the whole clueless movie.i love the dialogue of as good as it gets
full house.jem and the holograms.the simpsons.friends.american idol.conan.OC
the five people you meet in heaven
my ma.. u should meet her.. shes awesome! like a bestfriend, a sister and mentor! shes down for whatever and she shows me, my brothers and the adopted ones (lowlowz and lowlow chicks!) how to love unconditionally!