anything to do with computers.. like photo editing and web designing.. cars.. yeah i love cars! and some cool gadgets also
highschool friends college friends long lost friends.. fellow la sallian cmliers
rock, punk rock, techno, house, eurohouse eurotechno, alternative.. emo
shrek,texas chainsaw massacre, gladiator, beautiful mind, life is beautiful, gothika, spiderman1&2, dare devil, 2 fast to furious, lotr trilogy, matrix triogy, master and commander, jackass, duplex, swat, 50 first date, troy,king arthur, harrypotter123, eurotrip.. and all adam sandlers movies!! da vinci code, hide and seek, superman, ghost rider, the 23, it's a girl boy thing, the illutionist.. spiderman 3, superbad
no particular show.. im a channel surfer though
og mandino the twelfth angel, frank Mc court, lotr return of the king, angels and demon,, da vinci code, angels and demons, deception point, beyond angels and demons, the deception point