I'm the girl who naturally makes you feel that you've just known me for years. I'm extremely outspoken, carefree, and sarcastic. Show me comfort, you're certainly expected to get even more in return. It's really easy to get me to smile. I talk really fast, and write really sloppy. I will burp whenever there's a chance, where ever. I like to specify my details when talking. Call me whatever you want, as long as there's a believable meaning behind it. People judge me, ALOT. But that's okay. I give people way too many chances and have a tendency of sometimes being too nice. Deep conversations are very nice to have every now and then. I have a really dorky and distinctive laugh. Making up words is fun. I'm always impersonating others. Sugar-snap peas, organic carrots, pineapple, and dunkaroos are life. Music is only good when blasted. I like to shake it to Sean Paul!!
I'm determined to meet some people this summaa (:
Overall, I'm a people person. Just be yourself around me; that's all I ask!
If you're positive and open-minded, then I like you already.