Electrozombies (new split out now) profile picture

Electrozombies (new split out now)

About Me

Myspace Editor
ELECTROZOMBIES He Visto CD (Odio Sonoro)..................................................... ..................................Bleak, monstrously crushing slo-mo sludgecrust from Chile, which I first took notice of when I saw that the trio featured two sisters playing together (drums and bass) along with a guy on guitar. I can't help myself, I'm always interested in hearing what women are doing in extreme metal, and especially in doom, since women have been woefully underrepresented in the slow n' low circles, at least up until recently. A much filthier, scabies-ridden sort. Electrozombies fuse awesomely sloppy crustcore with crawling sludge/doom riffs and a hint of black metal, and deliver their noxious fumes with a pissed-off anarchist 'tude that reminds me of some of the ratty metallic punk that was coming out of Minneapolis back in the late 1990's. You know, the whole Profane Existence scene, Misery, Assrash, Destroy, bands like that, super heavy and thrashy and distorted, more metallic sounding. Electrozombies remind me of those bands with their punk as fuck cover art of a liberty spiked punker clutching what look like bombs or balloons that seem to be melting out of his body, and they remind me of that gnarly hardcore sound whenever they put the pedal down and break out the fast, wall-of-thrash assaults. But Electrozombies also bring the sludge, BIG TIME, downshifting into ass-crushing heaviosity with massive Hellhammer/Celtic Frost inspired sludge and thick downtuned guitars that sound like their strings are barely hanging onto the fretboard, huge gooey riffs and sickly harmonizes leads oozing over the pummeling, barbaric drumbeats that hardly ever bother with anything like fills or other extraneous stuff...it's just CRUSH CRUSH CRUSH, each song about nuclear war or the mindless consumption of media (hence their name) slamming into the next with all of the finesse of a bulldozer with it's brakelines cut. They pay homage to the likes of Doom and Venom with a couple of skuzzy covers of "Police Bastard" and "Countess Bathory", respectively. Yeah, this gets top recommendation if you enjoy ugly, nihilistic, anti-authoritarian crustcore and doom as much as I do, bands like Amebix, Hellhammer, Hellbastard, Frost, Autopsy, Gallhammer, Coffins, and like-minded atavistic scumfucks. He Visto is presented in a slick six panel gatefold jacket with weird-but-cool artwork, lyrics (and everything else) in Spanish, a paper Electrozombies sticker, a hand-numbered acetate insert, and limited to 500 copies............................www.crucialblast.net...... ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ...........................................................S iempre es una buena noticia que una banda cumpla con las expectativas que crea con sus primeros trabajos cuando salta a un nivel mas alto en cuanto a difusión en su música. Y precisamente este es el caso de ELECTROZOMBIES, los veteranos de la escena chilena compuestos por Miguel Ángel "Comegato" Montenegro a la voz y guitarra y las hermanas Zamorano componiendo la base rítmica. En su primer trabajo titulado homónimamente y subtitulado “El tiempo es Infinito y la Energía Limitada” ELECTROZOMBIES ofrecían un doom metal de corte clásico de muy buena calidad y con un sonido realmente pesado, posteriormente editan una demo simplemente titulada “Demo 2006” donde ya empiezan a dar muestras de la evolución que van a tomar las composiciones del grupo. De lleno en “He visto” entrando ya en lo que nos ocupa ya notamos el salto de calidad al tener el disco en las manos. Con una buenísima presentación en digipack y con una excelente portada a cargo del artista polaco Szymon Siech.En fin, en cuanto a lo realmente importante que es la música. ¿Pues qué tenemos? Once temazos de un atronador sludgecore en el que se mezclan las raíces de puro doom de su primer disco con influencias tan variadas como el metal de la vieja escuela de AUTOPSY, con esos momentos lentos, oscuros y mórbidos, pasando por el puro crust de DOOM y el verdadero metal primigenio de los padres VENOM o HELLHAMMER. Todo esto perfectamente combinado nos ofrece un autentico discazo que se apoya en la densidad, la pesadez del doom acercándose al lado más corrosivo del sludgecore (“It’s a war”) y metiendo temas por medio más cercanos al hardcore por duración y composición como “¿Y tú de que lado estás?”. Entre los once temas se encuentran una versión del los clásicos “Countess Bathory” de VENOM y una apabullante versión del ya de por si violento “Police Bastard” de DOOM. Simplemente felicitar a los chicos de Odio Sonoro por el tanto que se van a apuntar con la edición de este cd (y parece que no van a bajar la marcha de ediciones de calidad) y recomendar este magnífico disco a los fans del doom en general y sobre todo a los amantes del más apocalíptico sludgecore. http://www.pitchline-zine.com

My Interests


Member Since: 22/04/2006
Band Members: PAOLA Z: Drums, MARCELA Z: Fuzz bass, COMEGATO: Guit/Throat..
Influences: BLACK SABBATH, DISCHARGE, DOOM, ST. VITUS, AUTOPSY, HELLHAMMER , CELTIC FROST, SLAUGHTER(can).............................................. ......... Corrupted, Pentagram(ch), Dystopia, Mob 47, Riistetyt, Ripchord, Cryptic Slaugter, Winter, Trouble, Slayer, Sodom, Poison(Ge), Kreator, Amebix, Fear of God, Obituary, Possessed, Extreme Noise Terror, Disgust, Deviated Instinct, Antichrist, old C.O.C, The Acüssed, Swans, Death SS, Belial, Septic Death, Atittude Adjustment, Voivod, The Varukers, Rattus, Anti Cimex, D.R.I, Brujeria, first Cathedral, Bathory, Sepultura, Napalm Death, S.O.B, Ratos de Porao, Olho Seco, Sarcofago, Nausea, Los Crudos, Head of David, Godflesh, Goatsnake, Sleep, Violeta Parra, Los Jaivas, Vox Dei, Billy Bond y la Pesada, Marcel Duchamp, Malgobierno, Laughing Hienas, Politicos Muertos, Motorhead, Terrorizer, Massacre, old Venom, Electric Wizard, Eyehategod, Sourvein, Burning Witch, Negative Reaction, Ramesses, Lynton Quesi Johnson, Augustus Pablo, Grief, Warcollapse, Mary Bell, Bauhaus, The Smiths, The Cure, Dead can Dance, Joy Division, and a lot more!!!
Sounds Like: Shock! Horror! Latin America quakes with the old-skool power of blackened CRUST. After seeing these foul and heavy skull fuckers maiming the crowd t'other night at the Star & Garter it was only proper that this new split ep I picked up gets a right royal review. The five tracks from Chile's infernally brilliant Electrozombies are absolutely stunning – think of Brummie crust titans Doom with a shit stain of sludge and a toxic pinch of old fashioned death/black metal. Insanely good. Better than most things you can buy at the moment. Scowling Crustafarian death dwarf Comegato's guttural throat rasping and savage buzzsawing guitar are pure sodding class, and the punkishly emaciated Zamorano sisters lay down a veritable blitzkrieg of cement mixing bass and drums. It's wild man, it's like the world has gone totally fucking post-modern – a three piece punk crust troupe from a big bad city on the edge of the Andes playing like they've just hit the stinking stage of the Mermaid pub in grimy Birmingham, circa 1986. 'Blood Altar' snaps off with ominously fuzzing bass and a simple muscular beat. The production is cracking – loud and heavy, almost like the sound John Peel's producer used to get on the old sessions at the BBC. 'Silent Death' is a monolithic slab of blistering doom crust, whilst 'Smash/Rip/Destroy' hurtles into your cerebral cavity like an iron steam train loaded with brandy snaps and semtex. 'The Brains are Dead' continues the beautifully simple and doom-charred chord progressions and the furious slow and fast tempo bucks like a cheap donkey whore. Last track 'Condenados a la Extincion' is a lovely dirge of down tuned riffage hanging and spluttering whilst Comegato intones thick words of barely recognisable Spanish over Paola and Marcela's bloated and serpentine rhythms. Indispensable sounds for any thirty/forty something punkophiliac with a cold chip still on their shoulder and a deep down death wish for the whole sick world.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


  After a  summer break (recharging batteries) after our last 3 months european tour Electrozombies are working in new songs, to record a new self produced album in 2010... and of course back to europ...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Feb 2010 17:35:00 GMT

Electrozombies Pics - Live at The Star & Garter, Manchester 08/11/09

http://www.thesleepingshaman.com/bandimages/electrozombies/e lectrozombies.php
Posted by on Tue, 19 Jan 2010 08:20:00 GMT

Thanx Europe !!

 Thanx Europe !!We can say thanx a lot to all the  people who support us in our last European tour. ( SEPTEMBER , OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER 09) Specially to the bands CUTTER (Barcelona Urban hermits). HELL...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Jan 2010 18:08:00 GMT

Electrozombies / Helborn Messiah split review from The sleeping Shaman

Electrozombies/Hellborn Messiah - Split CD 09Shock! Horror! Latin America quakes with the old-skool power of blackened CRUST. After seeing these foul and heavy skull fuckers maiming the crowd t'other ...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Dec 2009 06:07:00 GMT

Electrozombies last news...

...En este momento nos encontramos grabando 6 nuevos temas que formaran parte de un split CD junto la banda de Freiburg, Alemania "Hellborn Messiah" www.myspace.com/hellborn messiah.. Por otra parte a...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Jun 2009 10:43:00 GMT

New european tour sept oct nov 09 and new split cd with "Hellborn Messiah"

This year 2009 we back to Europe to make our third europan assaut, please people interested  to help us with the  tour dates  and the edition of our split with "Hellborn Messiah"  (editions, trades, d...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Jun 2009 00:04:00 GMT

Entrevista Executioner zine

Los países de América del Sur no son conocidos en lo musical sólo por las bandas de Metal Extremo, muchas de ellas practicantes del viejo Metal, sino que además de éstas hay un buen puñado de formac...
Posted by on Wed, 16 Jul 2008 16:12:00 GMT

NEW ALBUM March 08, SPLIT LP with CUTTER (Spain) and new EUROPEAN TOUR Sept /Oct

Para Marzo 2008 anunciamos la edicion de nuestro nuevo album editado por el sello local Masapunky con colaboracion del sello CFA,  a los sellos interesado en editar o distribuir es...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 22:43:00 GMT

comentario demo MMVI Bruxias Fanzine

..>..> ..> ELECTROZOMBIES [Diciembre 22] Demo MMVI Independiente..>..>..> Junto a este trío invocamos a los dioses, a esos que nos invaden desde las oscuridades de nuestra sociedad, a los dichoso...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 14:18:00 GMT

algunas letras/ some lirics

Demo 2006  1-Atake sonoro   Atake sonoro a las cúpulas del poder y su falsa democracia Atake sonoro a las cúpulas del poder enquistado en sus mentes atake sonoro a las cúpulas del poder y ...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 13:40:00 GMT