FaSHion... Cars... MusIc... HAngIn oUt.. ClubbIn... chiLLin.. BeacH..
All mY loNg loSt Friends. And Also.. AnyOne hahaha
bambOo.. saLamin...funk emo...matchbox.. d corrs... altErnatiVes bEtter.. UshEr... manY moRe.. Im opEn to anY kind Of muSic gEnres.. Coz i lOve muSic... love my piAno.. and mY violIn..
My sasSy Girl... FAsT n Furious... itaLIan jOb... KunG fu HustlE[lauGhs]... kunG pao.... UnfaiTHfuLl
cSi... starwoRld.. sTarmovies.. HbO.. CharmEd.. amErican iDol.. ManHUnt. mTv.. LiFestYLE.. Axn.. AliAs
a GiRl lIke thaT.. RighT noW im ReadiNg SecRets of tHe coDE.. Davinci Code...ChiCkensOUp...