Healing, RPG Gaming, positive cash flow!
Artists: Weird Al - Presidents of the United States of America - Green Jelly - Led Zeppelin - Queen - Evanescence - Faye Wong - Loreena McKennitt - No Doubt - Nirvana - Fire Bomber
Songs: 'Toxicity' by System of the Down - 'Sea of Miracles' (Lodoss War 2 theme) - 'Machinehead' by Bush - 'Zombie' and 'Wanted' by the Cranberries - Pearl Jam's first album - 'One Winged Angel' by Nobuo Uematsu - Team America World Police Soundtrack - 'Orinoco Flow' by Enya
Lord of the Rings and Matrix trilogies.
Pretty much anything by Joss Whedon.
The Slight Edge, The Right Use of Will series, A Game of Thrones, anything Dungeons and Dragons.
Emmet & Denise Culley, Cher Bertrand, Wilson Jordan, Nancy Taylor, James McGlothen, Rick Kelly, Daylin Boyd, Brandon Powers, Ondria & Rob Follett, Jeremy Osborne, Carla Jones