About Me
First Name: Malin
Middle Name: don't have any...
Birthday: february 1st
Eyes: green, blue, gray......
Hair: blondi...
Fav color: red and pink
Day/Night: night...although day is good....you can go shopping and do sports...
Fave Food: chocolate...
Do you ever wish you had another name? yes
Do you like anyone? i love my friends and family...thats for sure...
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? don't know...isn't everyone unique???
Who's the loudest? we all togehter..hehe..
Who have you known the longest of your friends? all my friends here fo 11months...
Who's the shyest: maybe me???sometimes...
Are you close to any family members? yap, my mommy...
When you cried the most: leaving for the US...hate farewells...
What's the best feeling in the world: achieving your goals...
Worst Feeling: leaving and losing people...
Let's walk on the: beach...
Let's run through: the rain...
Let's look at the: stars...
What a nice: day...
Where did all the: money go???and years go???
Why can't you: be my dream boy???
Silly, little: thing...
Tell me: secrets secrects and actually everything you know...
Ran away from home: not really...actually...no!!!
Pictured your crush naked: no
Skipped school: couple hours don't count, especially those in the morning..
Broken someone's heart: i don't think so...did i???
Cried when someone died: sure...
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: jap....
Done something embarrassing: well...happens...
Done a drug: nope...
Cried in school: yes...but only for good reasons...
Your Good Luck Charm: ladybug....
Person You Hate Most: there is noone i really hate right now...
Best Thing That Has Happened: doing what i wanted- being an au pair for a year...
Ice Cream: yummy...
WHO Makes you laugh the most: my friends....my hostdad...
Has A Crush On You: if i knew, i probably wouldn't tell you....
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: no...no hot guys around...
Fallen for your best friend?: no
Made out with JUST a friend?: no
Kissed two people in the same day?: maybe...?!but not seriously..
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: noooooooo...thats not right...
Been rejected: no...who would reject me???
Been in love?: never that serious to get married...*g*
Been used?: as fare as i know not...
Done something you regret?: not really....
Cheated on someone?: i would never do that and expect people to be faithfully
Been called a tease: yap...but its not my fault...
You touched?: a friend
You talked to on the phone?: an other au pair
You hugged?: some of my friends or hostfamily
You instant messaged?: woah..that was back in germany...11months ago...
You kissed?: uuuuuh...don't know...
You yelled at?: i hate yelling...put probably julia...
Who text messaged you?: debbie
Who broke your heart?: i don't think anyone really ever broke my heart...
Who told you they loved you?: ct? my hostkids...
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