I found this layout design on PureLayouts.com - check out their MySpace Layouts .
♥I Love♥
my friends, God, Shopping, fashion, running (going to State! my CC girls!),little dogs in pink purses!! my buds at Subway..., funny movies, lasagna, nights out with the girls, going downtown with Ashley!! ha ha,(waiting behind parked cars for the light!!!) taking pictures, animals, Ebay, my family (probably shouldn't forget them..), acting like i know what's going on when i really don't...**I Hate**
Mice...(serious phobia!!), peas (cause they are so gross!!), old people(they can't ever hear me!!), tall people (cause they have to keep telling me i'm short!!),fake people, chopping wood(it sucks... and no i'm not a hick!!!),guys that think they're hot,fat people, (they take up two seats in an airplane, like they think it's okay to use my seat for their lovehandles just cause i'm skinny!!) okay that was mean...i don't hate all fat people..., and most of all i hate it when i take bad advice from other people...