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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

*MySpAcE SuRvEy*
[name]: Karen Maher
[birthdate]: January 22, 1979
[sex]: yes jk, ...female
[relationship status]: single
[shoe size]: 8 1/2
[parents still together]: totally
[siblings]: 1 sister and 2 brothers
[pets]: not anymore
[color]: green
[number]: 22
[time of year]: fall
[type of weather]: tanning weather
[food/drink]: indian or greek/Keiths
--DO YOU--
[twirl your hair]: yes
[have any tattoos]: yes...a frog when i was in jr high
[cheat on tests]: sad to say ...yeah
[like scary movies]: love 'em if they are believeable...prefer thillers
[like cleaning]: only on Sundays
[know how to drive a standard]: nope
[own a cell phone]: of course...can't live w/o it
[collect anything]: nah
[been in a fist fight]: kinda
[considered a life of crime]: no way
[considered being a hooker]: would love the money but could never
[been in love]: thought so
[made out with just a friend]: yup
[hurt someone you love]: yup, but not on purpose
[kicked someone in the nuts]: no way that's brutal!
[clothing]: jeans and a t, pj's or lululemons
[hair]: blonde, long
[song you are in love with]: goodbye my lover (any sappy-ass song really)
[cd in your stereo]: mixed
[mood]: goofy, silly
[thing you ought to be doing]: thinking, being curious
[first crush]: not sure...probably a New Kid on the Block
[first kiss]: probably pete or one of the boys on the street
[first love]: Troy Humber
[do you believe in love at first sight]: absolutely
[do you believe in "the one"]: yup
[are you a tease]: some would say yeah but I would say more shy than anything
[would you ever commit yourself to someone 100%]: in a second
[honest]: one of my best qualities
[sarcastic]: maybe a little...hehehe
[a daydreamer]: yeah sometimes
[up tight or laid back]: totally laid back
[messy or organized]: organized with a little mess
[shy our outgoing]: shy until I know you
[nervous habits]: biting nails, playing with hair
[are you double jointed]: nope
[can you roll your tongue]: yes
[do you make your bed daily]: of course
[which shoe goes on first]: left, no right...i don't know
[bought something]: a ticket to Vegas
[been sick]: yeah...freakin' migraines
[sang]: everyday
[missed someone]: everyday
[gotten drunk]: everyday...just kidding every weekend...hahaha
[gotten a haircut]: nope
[watched cartoons]: family guy every night
[been kissed]: no...thanks for reminding me
[lied]: not that I recall
[you spent the night with]: Erica...my friday night girl!!!
[spent the night with you]: too long to remember...maybe G
[saw you cry]: G
[made you cry]: Oprah...everyday!!!
[you said "i love you" to]: my sis
[told you they loved you]: my mom and sis
[the best feeling in the world]: butterflies and feeling gaga....it's been a long time
[the worst feeling in the world]: losing someone that means a hell of alot to you
[your greatest fear]: not finding "the one" and just settling
[the thing you want most in life]: happiness, "the one" and babies
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You've been totally Bzoink*d
Your Birth Month is January
You are a natural leader who is able to stand up when no one else can.
Strong and powerful, you tend to overshadow those around you.
Your soul reflects: deep love, fascination with life, and a distinctive persona
Your gemstone: Garnet
Your flower: Snowdrop
Your colors: Black, dark red, and dark blue What Does Your Birth Month Mean?

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