basketball, business, wedding planning, surfing/bodyboarding, reading, relaxing, talking on my cell phone, driving too slow, growing beards, long bathroom breaks, music, running, lifting, cleaning...
Lute Olsen, John Wooden, John Wayne, Abraham Lincoln, Dean Martin, John Drachman, Bruce Bochy, Tom Selleck, Mike Ditka, Ronald Reagan
both kinds (country & western)
I know I should say the Godfather or something...but all I can think is Karate Kid.
I like to wake up with Sportscenter, then do a little Fox News. When I get home I catch-up with Sportscenter again (a lot happened during the day) then watch LOST or the Office depending on what night it is...otherwise it's Seinfeld re-runs.
John Wooden's Life Lessons, Rich Dad Poor Dad, I like Biographies (Benjamin Frankilin, Jackie Robinson, Abe, George Washington), SI, WSJ, non-fiction.
Mom and Dad, Lute Olsen, John Wooden, Abraham Lincoln and Tony Gwynn