Hi, my name's Talia, and I've recently moved to summer bay. My family life is tragic, and the emotional trauma caused me to need to move to an isolated town -summer bay was perfect. Although at present I have not revealed the true reasons for my being here, in the future all will become clear. Once in Summer Bay I fell in love with Lucas Holden... which ultimatly lead to the discovery that Coleen Smart was my long lost mother, and as a result of a genetic experiment, Jack Holden was my Dad, hence the reason that Martha will never take him back! Because of my connection with Jack, I realised then that Lucas was therefore my Uncle, and we can never be together (unless we keep it a secret). Unfortunatly I have just found out that I am pregnant with Lucas' child. To make matters worse, Lucas is not aware of this, but his step-sister Matilda Hunter, Who is now my lover, is.