Grown up in the early 60's in the fishermans village Scheveningen kicked out of school at the age of 14 and oficialy releaved of school duty.
started a punk band in '77 called the Mollesters (punk) yeah the ones whith dubbel l.I didnt drop out of school early fore nothing.
In the mid 80's I joined a group called Prairy Whore (neo romantic metal) and I was dj in a club Called T'Paard van Troje (trojan horse) . During the 80's my main occupation was playing music Getting stoned and SQuating and partying and Redacting a Fanzine Called "Dode Stad "( dead City). and we had an african drumming group with which we played at tea shops etc. and which was disbanded after i got taken over by a powerfull entity and the africans got fucking even more scared than i was ha ha .early 90's I played with the cursed & the Blessed and later The Sound of Stuka and with Totum Blast FreQuency (experimental industrial ) With Belg and about 93' did tekno live sets with SQuat Tijn (tekno) FreQuently on the Mononom sound systhem with Former members of the Hard Core Peace Generation (i'm still very greatfull to the crew), and it was Tekno all over Europe and Freaking & Partying as never ever before in all the sQuats like the Blauwe Aanslag e.t.c. Medio in the 90"s after all the Analoog Synts and Drum Computers I picked up my guitar again and played some sets with L.E.S.T .(Les Extremes Se Touche ) Then around the millennium I played with the Subliminal Criminal and Spin Docter Riez
what resulted in Pierre DeLuxe and the Raving Looneys (I realy wanted to be a Looney too but "The Subliminal Criminal" Overruled that and Baptized me as "Pierre DeLuxe" which Stuk) and in between iI played with Onomatopuia . and short adventure with Johnny Cohen and the New Age Nazi's ( punk)came in between wich were featured in a movie but not released yet due to circumstances,and a even shorter flirt with the Boy's From Brazil (punk),and of course a Whole lot's of Jamming and Freaking up and around and in between too much to mention here .And i am invited on a regular base to DJ at cafe the Vinger in The Heage .and Final and most recently The Psyche De E'lectriQue Freak Club (Which is spelled different by all individual band members all the time hence the FreakKlub).Just started new band called The Cleptocracy ( Urban Punk Country Skunk)Actualy an Reanactement of The Mollesters , with some covers of the velvet underground and link wray .I Just Made a Mollester Page ( in left top friends section) I will Post Unknown material there fore the People who like that stuff soon i wil be adding some pictures and maybe some juicy anecdote's .
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