Applecoreâ„¢ is "Festive as Fuck" profile picture

Applecoreâ„¢ is "Festive as Fuck"

I am here for Friends

About Me

jessika will go to jail for ...
Carrying around a gun shaped like a penis
'What sexual activity will you go to jail for?' at QuizUniverse.comSORRY.IM NOT A SLUT.SORRY.I DONT GIVE A F**K The names jessika im 16 & honestly, i am a strange person There is absolutely no one like me Im one of a kindI SMILE A LOT i am very weird...i call it special Drink?only on thursdayssmoke? only on fridays drugs?only in days that end in yI can be really niceIm not here to impress you I despise most girls I know you've heard abounding things about me but that's the key word, heard. Most of you don't know me, nor have you ever met me. So don't even bother talkin shit unless you can actually back it up. me on the other hand, I don't shit talk, I only speak the truth. I can be concieted, so don't bitch.i love my friends to death and so it'd probably be a good idea to become one. you will eventually love me or hate me and either way ill enjoy it but in the end, your opinion does not matter.Oh & A little advice... BOYS/GIRLS DONT HIT ON ME. ITS A WASTE OF TIME IM TAKEN HIS NAME IS JOSEPH MACIAS end of story.

My Interests

im happily taken by a boy whos to amazing for words i've been with him for awhile i feel like i've known him a lifetime. His smile melts me, his kisses give me chills. he's mine and i wouldnt have it any other wayhe has the best cinna-bunz in town