Hello Everyone,I’ve talked about ReverbNation before and I wanted to throw my thoughts out there again. ReverbNation is an artist’s centric site that was set up to empower musicians.Many people see it as competition to Myspace but I disagree, I see it as a companion to Myspace, especially for artists.As an indie, unsigned artist who does not receive airplay with major broadcasters, we need all the help we can get from many sources.In adittion to the many tools ReverbNation offers to Indie Artists, they will be starting a fair share program, coming in July whereby artist will be awarded a percentage of ad revenue generated through ReverbNation. ( sounds like a plan to me. ...LOL)To all my friends and fans, please take a look at my ReverbNation page, listen to the music, view a few pics and check out the Four Tops Tour schedule. Take a minute or two and listen to many of the artists that are members of Reverb(you can search by genre)….I know you will find new discoveries that will blow you away…and I’m betting (hoping and praying) that I will be one of them…LOLSign up for ReverbNation today, add yourself to my fan base and mailing list….once you do…come back to Myspace and continue to enjoy the great myspace community…I know I do...however, variety is what makes life so grand:)Thanks for your time,Ronnie McNeirCLICK HERE TO LISTEN
I'd Rather Be Hated For Who I Am
Than Loved For Who I Am Not