I'm aBs0Lutely siMpLE wiTH HIdDEn tRaiTs w/c (i asSumE!) anY1 wud eNj0y dsC0veRiN'.. am tAraY suMtYmS bt w0rI n0T cz i nVr bite... soo0o "gara" m0st oF tHe tImES f b0Red!....... POSITIVE TRAITS? aPpR0acHaBLe, FRiEnDLy and LUviNg Soooo0o mUcH!.................ei dNt pRoTeSt c0z i wAS RILy BoRn L0vAbLe hehehe!..............LUv 2 miNgLE wd FuN 2 b w/ gUyS nd gALs... hAtE ovERcoNFidEnT PipZ nd unG tupPerWarE ones...('LaM na!!!!)......anYtHn m0R? naaah! hw BwT aN ExPL0rE oF MEe!!! hehehe.. Nj0Y!
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My Interests
interests? anYthn' dt wud meK mE Nj0Y mUcH!... mEeT new frNds s 1... i haTe sM0keRs nd DriNkERs! errrrrr tlaGa! wnT thoSe co0L onEs! *wink*
mellow nd acoustics!
any kiND oF bo0k writTeN bY R0bIn Co0k...
My Blog
tHe PowEr of 3 WorDs...
There are many t... Posted by ChEx_14 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST
rEad tHis!!!
Is it really nice to love and be loved?
Is anyone there will listen to what I have?
To listen for what my heart will say
To care and touch my heart and will lay?
Im a human who can be touched
Th... Posted by ChEx_14 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST