Umm... Should I be taking pictures of myself in a thong to post or something? It seems to be what most of you knutty kids are doin'.
I'm a nice, sweet guy. A jaded-optimist (I see the glass as needing a better scrubbing next time it's washed, which would give you the chance to fill it all the way up while you're at the sink.) I have a weird sense of humor and see the funny side of something right away and laugh at it even though it may not be proper just yet. I think I'm funny, yet it's mainly me that giggles at my jokes. I'm independent, I don't like to ask for help unless I really need it, or if it's a way to meet a woman I'm sweet on. Sometimes I'm a hermit and I just like to spend time by myself and get caught up on stuff at home. Okay, I'll admit it damn it! Hi, my name is Jon, and I'm an Introvert . There now, are you happy?
I'm a conforming non-conformist; I don't like to do stuff just because it's popular, yet I'll sometimes join in just because it's what I normally wouldn't do. I'm such an unpredictable bastard sometimes. I like to dance even though I can't really dance, but if I'm having fun then I don't care how stoopud I look. Sometimes I'll just jump up and down, and since I'm only 5'6" there's little chance I'll knock myself out on a light fixture (That whole jaded-optimist thing again).
I don't like to complain and I won't make time for those that do mostly that. If there's something wrong, make it right if it's worth the effort or move on.
Sometimes I'm a flirt. Sometimes I'm blunt. I ain't gonna dance around the issue or waste time with mind games, buddy. Come out with it. What do you want? What's the motivation?
I respect your space, your rights, your indisputable needs, but if it's something you just want then it's open to debate if I'll bother to care.
If I ever found God,
I'd sue the jerk.
I'll stomp on ants in the house, yet I'll go out of my way not to step on them if I'm outside away from a residence. Spiders are your friends, they eat the bugs you really don't want around. So leave them alone, and for the love of Steve, stop that freakin' out; you have a lot more disgusting things crawling on your body (they're just too small to see). Hey, where are you going?
I really appreciate women. Thanks for putting up with us men; you're just great. No, really. If you're not into guys and want to kiss that other girl, you go right ahead.
If I like the song or album, I will play it over and over and over and over while I get on with other things and it helps me to concentrate.
I don't think the world revolves around me, we're just slowly falling into the Sun. Are you going out dressed like that?
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