♠ makan tido study and get some money , some kind of musics, video games.. ♠
toro amos d machalinga atos un denm.Then we Meet♠ mr Li ♠ gadis misteri♠ Lampard♠ En karim deraman ♠ yacoob daud
that's the fucking loving bands♠ The Used ♠ My ChEmical Romance♠ Nofx♠ Billy Idol♠ Bullet For My Valentine♠ Funeral For a Friend♠ The Get Up Kids♠ New Transit Direction♠ Blink 182♠ Taking Back Sunday♠ Matchbook Romance♠ S.T.U.N♠ Green DAy♠ Finch♠ Vaux♠ Refused♠ Coheed And Cambria♠ Thrice♠ Letterkills♠ Sum 41♠ Fall Out Boys♠ Avril Lavigne♠ Metallica♠ Jimmy Eat World♠ Loudness♠ Weezer♠ Nirvana♠ Foo Fighter♠ Sum 41♠ Head Automatica♠ The Ghost♠ Bad Astronout♠ Goldfinger♠ System Of A Down♠ KOPI SECHAWAN♠ Less Than Jake♠ story of the year♠ the vines♠ thursday♠ snow patrol♠ red hot chili pepper♠ Futher seems forever♠ the promise ring♠ Myhotel year♠ blindside♠ Underoath♠ death cab for cutie♠ EmerY♠ Anberlin♠ Sunny Day Real Estate♠ Texas is the reason♠ Embrace♠ Rites of Spring♠ the juliana theory♠ braid♠ mineral♠ creed♠ saves the day♠ Nickleback♠ LO♠ Zebrahead♠ Disagree♠ Kittie♠ Dashboard Confessional♠ Sparta♠ HIM♠ everclear♠ the dissenters♠ the ramones♠ love me butch avenged sevenfold,draconian,tools,children of bodom......
lotr,american pai, scary movie,spiderman, the last samurai, ♠ Starwars , white chicks, the exorsist, the ring, war of the world, the longest yard, the island, herbie, mr&mrs smith, batman begin, Superman Return , Pirates of Carribean : Dead Man Chest ,Mission Imposible 3, Da Vincci Code, The Sentinel, X Men 3
♠ that 70's show , smallville, roswell, csi,mtv punk d, growing up gotti, lost, the block, survivor, america top model, mtv grab, ♠ whatever thing , desperate housewife, orangecounty
islamic philosophy,mirror of realization,the science & mystic light,the heart of islamic philosophy,berani gagal
♠ su per man , spiderman and especially.....