Tomcatica profile picture


About Me

Once upon a time, a little guy named Shawn (nicknamed SweetPea by his doting mother) loved to stay up and watch Nick-at-Nite. Because of Nick-at-Nite, SweetPea fell in love with a wonderful show called "Get Smart", starring Don Adams and Barbara Feldon as Agents 86 and 99, respectively. Because SweetPea fell in love with "Get Smart", and because he was a rather clumsy and accident-prone little fellow, he decided to call himself Agent 86 in an attempt to shed the SweetPea nickname. The attempt failed, but SweetPea continued to call himself Agent 86 regardless. When Agent 86 grew a little older and discovered the wonders of aviation, he stumbled (because that's what he was wont to do, being clumsy and all) onto a plane called the Grumman F-14 Tomcat, which had been the United States Navy's primary maritime air superiority fighter, fleet defense interceptor, and tactical reconnaissance platform since 1974, and he immediately fell in love with it. At the time, he didn't put the two names together, because he had never considered giving himself the nickname of Tomcat, but when Agent 86 grew even older and started living on his own, he met a silly little girl named Cat who referred to him as "her tomcat" (because "tomcat" simply means male cat). Around the same time, he discovered that those around him considered him a "tomcat" because of his many girlfriends up to that point; he was still a virgin, and by no means promiscuous, so it was a misnomer, but since everyone around him was calling him that, and since he already loved the plane that bore the same name, Agent 86 only thought it fitting to combine the nickname he'd gone by for so long with his newly assigned title, and, thusly, Agent Tomcat was born. His doting mother, however, still calls him SweetPea. The end.
Tomcatica is just a guy living in Kansas who happens to draw, photograph, and make digital art , design ships and stories for Star Trek , make techno music, and write stories, poems, and essays.
In reality, "DJ" is an honorary title since I don't actually spin; all of my music is made on my computer, but I put just as much love into it. If you're a booking agent who wants to book me for a live show, don't worry about trying since I can't very well play my computer live.
My Websites:
Tomcat Supersite Homepage ( and the frames version (WIP) (
Agent Tomcat MySpace
Logart MySpace
Star Trek MSN Space
Tomcat MSN Space profile public page public page public page
Layout made by UrbanFaery at , and then edited by me. MySpace contact tables

My Interests


Member Since: 21/04/2006
Influences: Andy Hunter, Paul Oakenfold, Fatboy Slim, The Prodigy, The Chemical Brothers, The Crystal Method, Mirwais, Toby Emmerson, Daft Punk, Gorillaz, Toby Mac, Newsboys, Bobby Darrin, Henry Mancini, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Jem, Tally Hall, The White Stripes
Sounds Like: Daft Punk, Fatboy Slim, Andy Hunter
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

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