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About Me

its easier to apologise than to ask for permission.
What type of partier are you? Your Result: The rock-star party animal

You like to get trashed, mostly on domestic beer and mix them with shots of Jaeger till you end up screaming lyrics at the top of your lungs while playing air-guitar to the music. You like the cheap and seedy bars because you can really let loose and get hammered without worry. You get in trouble for the occasional 'spitting/spraying beer in the air from your mouth', aka, the 'beer sprinkler'. You are viewed as energetic and crazy, and can be either the life of the party or the one who gets a group of friends banned from a bar.

Bar Slut
Hardcore drunk
Bar Social Butterfly
The Socialite
The Lurker
The designated driver
What type of partier are you?
Make Your Own Quiz
Which Simpson are you? Your Result: Homer

You are crazy, wild, unpredictable, totally awesome and extremely stupid!! you always get things wrong and you devote a lot of your time to yourself and having fun. You never remember birthdays or special occasions and you always end up in trouble wherever you go. People have fun with you, but sometimes you do go over the top or get drunk wich occasionally ruins it.

Which Simpson are you?
Make Your Own Quizyou44%live and know crush 40

you will die, but only after killing some zombies and haveing some fun. one more thing, you know that retard kid that thinks fire werks are food? he will live longer than you.
zombieness and servival quiz
Quizzes for MySpace

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Ben turner, woopie goldburg, Bee Arthur, your mum

My Blog

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