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About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 In As Much as I can recall of myself there has always been this search for truth. in retrospect this journey began in darkness until one day I stumbled upon a stone and under it was the key,my first found object in this grand collage of life.within the darkness is the is the ever burning flamewithin the flame is the word of truth('God') in the middle of the gallery which is the upper room of The holy temple called solomon-there is where I heard a voice for it said"music is The key to life as color is to broken light so is sound to broken movement. while gazeing into the holy flame of fire one day a voice like the sound of rushing water spoke and said, seek and you shall find the key to the mystery, it will be hidden within songs which are in the key of life and this key will be called The covenant, write it in a book and seal it up until it is time,seek and seek and you shal find and each time you find an object add it to your masterpiece and call this Book The Holy Book Of Wonder-one day you will overstand all these found objects and when you do reveal the part only called the covenant to the world as a sign.. in that hour when the darkness again has come, this will be that flame from your mind which is I/I so... Rastafari {Jah} said it wont be water save fire this time... Moses realized-he:-had overstanding; he was chosen-he went into the "ites" (mountain of Jah) Sinai or Horeb...{The BUSH was Israel the flame was Egypt-once Moses saw the Bush it was ablaze showing that Israel was enslaved but the Bush was not consumed by the fire - "it is written the whole of Israel cried out unto the lord and Jah heard them and remembered the covenant" Moses represents the spiritualized mind. He slew the "Egyptian" which means that he conquered a "Black" or destructive part of his mind and did not permit it to be alive.... on the common level he killed that white man who was beating up on that brother when he saw Babylon was not looking... Save in this hour, in the fire this time as Jah says it wont be destroyed by water but fire - the bush is burning and is consumed; i.e., will be consumed or is being consumed - "all the slaves like the Israelites did not cry out in unison, today there is no unity." The water like in the day of Noah as he represents the few chosen - i.e., ice and water will come to put out this fire of Babylon {USA} who has set the whole of the world on fire-lusting and fornicating after and with the whore...the pole shift will put out the fire, the earth will be made anew by water and ice this is to say the floods of Noah... WATER represents the emotional nature which is never still, also the life force or the "WATER OF LIFE" the twenty-third Psalm says "he leadth me beside the still waters or he instills in me that peace that passeth all understanding so that my emotional nature does not disturb me. You see one is on fire when ones emotional nature does disturb him-therefore this is the state of the world today just like Sodom and Gomorrah-and old Babylon; so Jah say:- "I will destroy not with water but fire this time."In this case can you see the esoteric and the visible level as the fire and the water can not be separated they are thus the same-that is to say if the water spoken of is not still it causes fire and the world is consumed; this fire is or this friction is invisible, it is not seen but it is there, and it is it that causes the water to flow and flood-one who has been drawn out of water as Moses was, and it was the meaning of his name, has no fear of fire... she named him Moses, "it means I drew him out of water" this means then one who's emotions does not control... ones who have been drawn out of water as Moses have no fear of fire, many were cast upon the water but few were the chosen and elect-these chosen and elect are the true Rastafari...these are ones knowing the inner meaning of things arcane they do not take things as they are, they see the light in the middle of the darkness and complain not... truth is for all to see who will...Let I/I look at the esoteric or hidden meaning of the word (staff) usually represents the spinal cord, which when activated with the ascending life force, may "bud" -as did the rod of Aaron- at the top or head. It is this that we lean on when we say-"thy rod and thy staff they comfort I" in the twenty-third Psalm. This is the same rod Moses used to part the sea that the children of Israel go home. We must now look at the hidden meaning of the word -STONE- the "white stone" spoken of in the bible refers esoterically to the regenerated pineal gland which becomes so when the raised spirit fire cements the sand like particles of this gland into a "STONE" this is the "stone"on which the "CHURCH" of Jah is built the regenerated man; Christ is referred to as the "STONE" which is the head or the capstone of the "pyramid" which is used to represent the completed spiritual building--and which cannot be complete until the Christ is in place at the top...Please note the pyramid on our one dollar bill, as the symbolism of a nation not yet complete or of a nation not based nor built on the principles of truth or we go to the word "SOUND" as it has much power-sound is vibration and we are particularly impressed that Christ will come with a "shout" -remember the story of Joshua- or vibration... this vibration has power, and it was a "WORD" that spoke the universe into being. The vibration with which -the Christ will come will take those who are prepared out of their physical; bodies into the spiritual body, which the pioneers have prepared-Stevie Wonder said from the album Hotter than July, in the song Master Blaster Jamming- "we're in the middle of the makings of the Master Blaster Jammin" 1982 just as Noah prepared his ARK -same meaning- when the floods came, thus everything is created by sound or vibrationLastly here let I/I look at Joshua the leader who took the place of Moses after his death- esoterically Joshua represents a newer consciousness based upon the spirits previous experiences- Moses great that he was -that state of consciousness- must in time be superceded by a later consciousness based upon more experience. Remember these stories are of me and you in search of reunion with Jah- by the light of the elders who are, that is built the great stone-ITAL IMAN I am showing you how to read between the lines...The crossing of the Jordan -the river of life-the occupation of the promised land tell the story of this newer consciousness taking us to a newer and higher conception of life----MASTER BLASTER JAMMING---- -Note- Noah was 600 years and some days but the floods did come- Noah represents those pioneers who have built the spiritual vehicle in which we shall function in the future and which will rise above the flood waters of lower emotionalism-and rest upon the high flood waters of lower emotionalism and rest upon the high spiritual consciousness of Mt. Ararat, or that we shall dwell in the future on a high plane of thought; his age when the floods came was the key to the end of creation i.e., the 6000 years written from the pyramid...~AMEN~

My Blog

Holy Taro PLant

In Ancient TimesSource of some information on this page: ("Sky Father") and Ho'ohokukalani (his wife) had two children. Their first child Haloanaka ("lo...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Jun 2009 09:56:00 GMT


  Nibiru The winged serpent crop circle 2008 August Here in Jacksonville Florida it was the year 2004 we covered the hurricane that was four years ago. Four years from now it will be the year 2...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 15:19:00 GMT

My Nagah’s /The wind walker part 1

'MY Nagah's'   Dear Reader: my assessment of current world condition Is that the people of the world are doomed-they could not comprehend the ancient wisdom due to harden hearts-many have become...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 05:50:00 GMT

The Unchained Melody {The Third Wave Nyabingi} Ital Iman and the Black Revolution

The Unchained Melody {The Third Wave Nyabingi} Ital Iman and the Black Revolution "Its bigger than hiphop" > My specialty is the collage, what I do has been called "Folk Art"- Folk Art is ...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 07:10:00 GMT


These are the words of The Rastafari -Ital Iman I {EK Balam} This is his wisdom: as an Artist the collage is his medium What he does with brush paint and found object on canvas--he uses his blog spa...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 02:47:00 GMT

ITALISM "Surviving Martial Law"

Italism Is living natural in survival mode While still living in urban environ Ital is a Rastafari term meaning natural as a way of life Ital then is the religion or way of life of The Rastafari, t...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 08:34:00 GMT

"Everything is on The One yall, can you get to that?"

"Everything is on The One y'all, can you get to that?"   In The tradition started by sister Shameen-(OLD SCHOOL THRUSDAYS) we present to you The Esoteric collage in videos "Every Thing is on the...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 15:09:00 GMT

The 23rd song:- My chant to the moon

    The 23rd song: - My chant to the moon Silver and gold was not my blessing Bling is not my thing& The sadus they have their mystic powers Mine rest in the signs of ...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 23:13:00 GMT

The Guru Moon And Cosmic Triggers {enter the earth day of the King}

    THIS IS THE ESSENCE OF THE GURU MOON     Greetings Jah Jah Children:     I have grasped the stake... I take the measuring cord in the company of Seshat...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Jul 2008 07:19:00 GMT

The Million DJ March {in The Theater Of The Absurd}

Absurdhttp://themilliondjmarch. blogspot. com/utterly or obviously senseless, illogical, or untrue; contrary to all reason or common sense; laughably foolish or false: an absurd explanation.In the the...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 18:50:00 GMT