COALICIÓN ESTUDIANTES UNIDOS / UNITED STUDENTS COALITION is a group of students and youth from high schools, colleges, universities and trade schools based in the Los Angeles area. We believe that we are now at a turning point in history where voices of the immigrant community -- which have been constantly ignored -- are rising up in a unified call for justice and action nationwide.-------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------We believe that in order to truly address the root of the wrongful, inhumane way in which immigrants are being treated today, we must look into history of this nation; one which was built on the backs of immigrant communities from every continent around the globe, all which have been targets of economic scapegoating, government repression, and exploitation of all kinds.------------------------------------------------------
------------------------We view the rise in anti-immigrant sentiment its legislation as an attack on all working people who should no longer be pitted against one another to fight for the crumbs in society. As poor and working-class people who work hard to create the wealth of this country, we share the same neglected neighborhoods, the same low-paying jobs, and the same inadequate education regardless of ethnicity, nationality and even immigration status. An attack on one is an attack on all. It is time for us to unite as one.--------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------Our goal as Coalición Estudiantes Unidos/United Students Coalition is to create a diverse network and organizing base of immigrant and working-class students and youth focused around these demands:----------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------1) AMNESTY NOW for all undocumented workers and their families who contribute on a daily basis to this country's economy and well-being!!------------------------------------------------
----------------------------2) STOP POLICE REPRESSION against youth and all people who choose to excercise their right to free speech!! NO EDUCATIONAL REPERCUSSIONS for students who choose to walk out or otherwise participate in demonstrations!!--------------------------------------------
-------------------------------3) COLLEGE RECRUITMENT IN SCHOOLS, NOT MILITARY RECRUITMENT!! Immigrant and working-class youth are pushed to enter the military far more than they are pushed to pursue a higher education. With a 55% overall dropout rate in LAUSD (66% among Latinos and 58% among African-Americans), youth are being sent off to die for this country while not being given a chance to live and educate themselves.-------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------4) IMPROVE SCHOOL CONDITIONS NOW!! No more lack of educational materials in our schools!! Stop overcrowding!! Improve teacher retention levels / increase teacher pay!! We demand cultural sensitivity in our schools, including ethnic studies in those where the majority of students are people of color!!-----------------------------------------------------
---------------------------5) NO WAR!! The U.S. Government has invested over $80 billion funding a war in Iraq while decreasing funding for our schools and cutting public health programs. At the same time, the majority of the youth being sent off to fight this war are working-class and people of color, many of whom are the children of immigrants or immigrants themselves. The same people who are provided with an inadequate education in LAUSD and have few to no job opportunities are being steered into killing and dying our brothers and sisters of the world for the benefit of those who prosper from war -- the rich and powerful of this country.----------------------------------------------------
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !