Random kdb facts:
I worked 88 hrs this last paycheck and only brought home a little under $500. && that's with my 25 cent raise! I think it's time for a new job. =/
I sound extremely intelligent on paper but when I try to get it all out in person, I bottom out and crash. I should be a writer.
Even though It's only been a month or so since I graduated, people come up to me and squeeze the shit outta' me if they see me on the streets or out somewhere and tell me how much they miss me...already!
I am my own background on my phone. I'm not conceited, just confident.
I almost wouldn't be here today. But thank God, it was the fetus after me that was sucked outta my moms vag at only a few weeks old.
This makes me giggle just a tad bit & I totally stole it off Andrew's page so THANKS BEHBEH!
I have horrible posture.
I've gone through [3] phones in the past month. HA!
I'm the only bitch on Myspace.com with my name. Proof!
When it comes to pizza, I could sit down and eat a whole pie if I really wanted to.
I don't get carded for cigarettes. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
I'm fat.
I love to copy Nessa with bringing back this dumb little box where I write dumb little things that nobody probably even reads. YAY!
I hate when bitches hit on my brother.
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[L to R]
Tony Bee, Googer, Myself,
"Shizzle", and Branden
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view all Bamboozle pics.
Travis Barker. ♥