kdb profile picture



About Me

Hi! I'm Kaitlin or kdb, whichever, i answer to both. I currently reside in Pine Grove with my amazing boyfriend, and our fabulous roommate.
I work full time and I'm pretty content with life. I don't have many close friends but quite a few of good acquaintances. It takes a lot for me to trust people because I've been fucked pretty bad in the past. I constantly worry about everything and I'm rather boring. I don't have any hobbies and I don't attend college. I'm just your typical 19 yr old kid, that fucked up their life along the way. I live day by day and just enjoy the ride.
©1989-2008 Kaitlin Byrnes. All Rights Reserved.Add me to your friend subscriptions; I update often!
Baby, we've went on a cruise around the world and we haven't crashed yet.
I love spending every second of every hour of every freaking day with you. You seize to amaze me more and more each day. I've dug deep to find that special someone that is inside you and I'm happy with the outcome. I would never ask for a better boyfriend, a better other half, or a better best friend. I hope we can prove everyone wrong and make this last a lifetime. We'll have that fairytale relationship that everyone is jealous of. I love you. [09/07/07] ♥

My Interests

Random kdb facts:

I worked 88 hrs this last paycheck and only brought home a little under $500. && that's with my 25 cent raise! I think it's time for a new job. =/

I sound extremely intelligent on paper but when I try to get it all out in person, I bottom out and crash. I should be a writer.

Even though It's only been a month or so since I graduated, people come up to me and squeeze the shit outta' me if they see me on the streets or out somewhere and tell me how much they miss me...already!

I am my own background on my phone. I'm not conceited, just confident.

I almost wouldn't be here today. But thank God, it was the fetus after me that was sucked outta my moms vag at only a few weeks old.

This makes me giggle just a tad bit & I totally stole it off Andrew's page so THANKS BEHBEH!

I have horrible posture.

I've gone through [3] phones in the past month. HA!

I'm the only bitch on Myspace.com with my name. Proof!

When it comes to pizza, I could sit down and eat a whole pie if I really wanted to.

I don't get carded for cigarettes. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

I'm fat.

I love to copy Nessa with bringing back this dumb little box where I write dumb little things that nobody probably even reads. YAY!

I hate when bitches hit on my brother.

If my page looks fucked up to you, try adjusting your monitor resolution to 1280x800 pixels. Also, try using Mozilla Firefox . Thanks.


[L to R]
Tony Bee, Googer, Myself,
"Shizzle", and Branden

Click^ image to
view all Bamboozle pics.


Travis Barker. ♥

My Blog

Along the road.

When I signed up for Myspace back in March '05, I wasnt looking to make friends.  The reason I signed up was because an old friend wanted me to look at their pictures and I obviously couldnt with...
Posted by kay dee bee on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 07:01:00 PST


Pic SignsClick pic to view original size.If you made me a sign and it's not posted,. I'm sorry, I probably lost it.   ...
Posted by kay dee bee on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 05:35:00 PST