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Emerald Cocktail

About Me

Music News!

No news is noosegood. Come visit us at oxenmediastudios!

Good musical finds of late:

The track from Magic Leaves 'Sillus I Been' . It's all good, really. One of my new myspace favorites along with the band Twain

Rachel Kenedy's track Prelude

Dan Blackett's new tracks Feel I Could Run/ The Drain/ Penpals'

Mr. Blazey's Tracks Travellin Up and Melonjolie If you like hip and trip hop, do have a listen!

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Member Since: 21/04/2006
Band Website: http://emeraldcocktail.oxenmediastudios.com/
Band Members: Delightful G. Severity
Sounds Like: A sonically rich mellow good time.
Record Label: Oxen Media

My Blog

How Important Are Lyrics Anyway?

Please feel free to post any thoughts or comments about the relevance of lyrics in current music. Thanks! Emerald Cocktail
Posted by on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 15:12:00 GMT


Here are some lyrics if you like, in no order for your convenience.We Captured Everything TodayTuning through the FM haze we just emerged from our sticky maze caught but released from our displays, we...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 20:50:00 GMT