all kinds of music from metal to snoop dogg, playing my guitar and the most rockingest of manners, creating a ruckus, reinventing the wheel,video games, art, cyborg elven hip hop, swedish parlor tricks, all words begining with the letter "H", roman warrior helmets, good beer, sexy robots, time honored traditions, long walks off short piers and hookers
Just about anyone who doesn't have a leg for a hat and a hat for a leg. And if you do, give me a holler anyway, they're may still be hope of us being friends. But I use the word "may" lightly.
hmmm.....The Bouncing Souls, fun loving New Jersey punk rock you just can't help but skank too, Unearth, All That Remains, Kill Switch Engage(not so much lately), THE VANDALS, TuPac, mc chris, In Flames, Arch Enemy, Polka, Children of Bodom, Spanish Rape Music, The Bled, AFI(yeah even with the makeup and shiny leather pants), I could go on for hours but what difference would it make, you can't change the past.
Anything that involves gratutitous violence, nudity and sex, Harry Potter, Chicks and Salsa 4, any remake of an old family favorite(oh wait that's every movie out, well I am easy to please)
Television is a good way to get your brain sucked out through your notrils. Personally I don't touch the stuff.
Sean Paul, The Duke of Earl, any man who can purchase Chicks and Salsa 4 without feeling slightly embarassed, Billy the Squid, Captain Crunch for always showing up just when I needed him most, Old Man Peabody down by the old orchard, Christina Aquilera for becoming a whore and turning me on, all three of the amigos, Kirk Douglas, Douglas Kirk, Michael Douglas, Kirk Michael, Michael Kirk....., GI Joe.