I like watching novelas, going out and having a couple drinks, staying in pigging out and watching movies is better tho, :) like every other girl I love shopping, its the greatest stress reliever ever, oh yeah I love to dance and work out. href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcGhvdG9idWNrZXQuY2 9t" target="_blank"img src="http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g132/may_ra_8/me9.jpg " border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image
I like surrounding myself with honest, fun and non dramatic people.
Tupac, too short, Jay Z, Beyonce, Eminem, THe GAME, Mariah Carey, Mary J, dj quik, TI Red hot chili peppers, tsunami bomb sparta dashboard confessiionals and also anything that I can shake my booty too and of course my mexican jams too :) but Tupac is def on the top of the list. And I also love the old school rap/hip hop.
Fight Club, Dodgeball, Ray, The Notebok, How to lose a guy in ten days, Scarface, Pulp Fiction, City of GOd, Nemo Mean Girls, Moulin ROuge Cruel Intentions and many more I love watching movies.
Sex and the City, Nip Tuck, America's Next Top model, News, UCLA/LA sports family guy and the Food CHannel,,,lol,, seriously BUT MY ALL TIME FAV IS FRESH PRINCE !!!
the bible, siddartha, catcher in the rye, always running, of mice and me (only book that made me tear up while reading) and Im currently reading 100 years of solitude.
All the brave people in the military that give up their life so that other people dont.. and of course my mom shes my everything