I like to read. Alot. Work and school keep me busy, so thats all I have time for.
Where do I start. Julius Peppers is at the top of my list. I love football and he is one of my favorite players. I'm also a huge Yankees fan, so Jason Giambi, Matsui, or anyone else from their club. Oh, and Oprah of course!
adopt your own virtual pet!
My musical taste has a wide range. From Jay Z to John, Mayer, T.I., Keisha Coles, Kelly Clarkson, Sade, The Winans, Jack Johnson. I could go on and on so i'll just say this: I appreciate jazz, because of my dad, gospel, because of my mom, and rap because of my brothers.
My top three include: Shawshank Redemption, Clueless ( I'm a valley girl at heart),and Money Talks. Motta Bella, Tutti Frutti!
Gimore Girls, SportsCenter, Amazing Race, Sopranos, Veronica Mars, Girlfriends, Half and Half, Bernie Mack Show, College Hill (season 3), ER, The OC, just to name a few.
I'm into African American authors, so anything by Toni Morison, Zane, Eric Jerome Dickey, Brenda Jackson, and a few others.
My parents and grandparents.