Bands past to present:
Social Impact (Houston, TX 1987-1988) classic rock covers
Hijinx (Houston, TX 1988-1989) rock originals/covers
Storm (Houston, TX 1989) original southern glam/rock
Diamond Dave and the Scorchers (Portsmouth, OH 1990-1991) blues
Shave Librarian (Massieville, OH 1993) experimental art rock
Spagetty (Portmouth, OH and Wilmington, NC 1994-1995) rock
Milkface (Asheville, NC 1998-2000) original instrumental math rock
F no. 8 (Asheville, NC 2001-2002) original alternative rock
Wealth and Ponder (Asheville, NC 2004-2005) original traditional rock
Opus Grey (Asheville, NC 2007-Current) original alternative rock
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