Drive-Thru Pharmacy profile picture

Drive-Thru Pharmacy

About Me

Located in South Jersey, and proud of it, Drive-Thru Pharmacy has been harassing music listeners in the bi-state area (plus Maryland) for TEN YEARS, winning audiences over (or chasing them away) with their duel assault of horn-driven melodies and guitar fueled stage antics. They specialize in their own particular brand of ska/rock, often mixing the music with lyrics about New Jersey's own history and folklore: vicious sharks, heroic circus freaks, doomed ghost towns, frightening pirates, and the Jersey Devil.
DTP has shared the stage with such acts as Ruder Than You, The Toasters, The Scofflaws, Streetlight Manifesto, almost Bruce Springsteen (he played the night before, we were on the stage twenty hours too late) and, of course, Cobra Lung, but has more often shared the stage/ porch/ lawn/ floor/ garage/ basement/ elementary school/ bar/ skate park under I-95/ library/ tiny area in front of the bathrooms/Boating Club Graduation Party with such acts as No Regrets, The Retrotones, Doomsday Machine Schematic, Black Anchors, NDP, VE, Mose Giganticus, The Instigation, and, of course, Cobra Lung, as well as countless other bands. Sadly, we have yet to play a bar-mitzvah, though we have come close twice.
As always, Drive-Thru Pharmacy will play ANYTHING, ANYWHERE: weddings, birthdays, funerals, bar mitvahs, line dances, backyards, basements, grand openings, clearence sales, hockey games, class reunions, funeral reunions, and more! Seriously, try us. Do not be afraid to contact us at [email protected] or through myspace, we LOVE mail! We have now OFFICIALLY played for peanuts. Our share of 25 pounds of them.
And we take that down only when it's not true.
Drive-Thru Pharmacy supports...
The Gift of Life Foundation - working to solve the organ donation shortage
The Emancipation Rocklamation , which benefits the American Anti-Slavery Group
The Little Miracles Rabbit Rescue
The American Red Cross
The Tommorow's Children Foundation
The Light of Day Foundation - which supports Parkinson's Research
The American Cancer Society and Skank For A Cure
One of us...

My Interests


Member Since: 06/01/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: This band changes as the wind blows, but is (for the most part) made up of those below. Old members, our buddies, and people we randomly pick up on street corners can often be found on stage with us doing Crites knows what:
Mike Bickerson - vocals/ guitar/ mandolin
Bryan "Teebs" Williams- guitar/ screaming
Brian McGovern - vocals/bass
John Coffey - drums
Mike "Block" Block - vocals/trumpet
Will "The Thrill" Daley - trombone/accordian
Larry Leso - alto sax
Mike "4" Gallagher - vocals/keyboards/trombone/harmonica
Kate Wolfrom - melaphone/ screaming
Erin Rae Duffy - trumpet/ vocals
and last but certainly not least, the amazing Gian Chung - clarinet

Influences: The Dead Milkmen, The Specials, Dead Kennedys, The Blues Brothers, and They Might Be Giants
Sounds Like: Sharks, pirates, demons, and surf boards.
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

It's January of 1909...

It was written in the early days of the 20th century prominant American folklorist Charles Skinner wrote of the Jersey Devil that "It is said that its life has nearly run its course and with the adven...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Jan 2009 16:00:00 GMT

Share your favorite Drive-Thru memories...

As the tenth anniversary of our first show approaches, we invite everyone to share their favorite memory of this big, stupid band (and/or moment that this band ruined your life for good). Oh Ashland C...
Posted by on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 21:05:00 GMT