Art, Music, Computers, Concerts, Movies, Horror, Graphic Design, Traveling, Night, Death Metal Stuff, Musical Instruments, Studio Recordings Softwares, Internet, Motorcicles.
Cool People around the globe. Musicians, artists, Nice girls.
Metal Genre (Technical Death Metal, Old Heavy Metal, Thrash, Hair Metal), 80's, Punk, Blues, Jazz, and some experimental music.
Le Haine, Piano Teacher, The Cube, Saw I, The Exorcist (The Begining), The Exorcist, Santa Sangre, Pulp Fiction, Sin City, PI, Mullholland Drive, Psicosis, Dracula...etc.
The Simpsons, History Channel, NATGEO, FOX Sports, Venus, Private Gold, FX.
Metal Zines, Computer Music, Future Music, Metal Maniacs, Guns, Fotogramas, Accion.
Musicians, Artists.