Growl. profile picture


Do not dwell of the past or dream of the future, concetrate the mind on the present moment. -Buddha

About Me

Hello, you either don't know me, and really probobly shouldn't be looking at my page in that case, or you think you don't know me well enough. Which ever it might be, this could potentialy help you in the long run, or maybe not in the slightest. I have long blonde hair that's almost to my niples, and hazle eyes(meaning usually they are like green, but sometimes they are blueish). I pretty much speak my mind, and have no regard for hygene/manors. Pretty much, if you have high people standards, you might want to avoid me at all costs. And, I don't mean that I never take showers or don't wear deoderant, just not always, but suprisingly enough, that doesn't make me smell. It's the showering and wearing deoderant that makes me smell..... I don't quite get it, but it works in my favor. : ) Although since the summer league swim team started i'v been having to take showers daily since i refuse to allow clorene in my hair. Some people call me a hippie, I claim no such thing. There have been times that I proved that I am a hippie, but in proving it, I proved myself not one.... it's complicated, really I just don't give a damn. I am 16 years young and go to Kempner High school as a sophmore. I find it interesting that life can go on without me to spice things up a bit. No wonder people kill themselves all the time. They just know they will never get a chance to know me! Hahaha, i'm a little conceded as you might as well have already found out. There was once upon a time when I smoked an average amount of marajuana, but thats over now for reason unknown to you. But anywho, I quit doing drugs, and I feel relatively amazing, well, not that I wouldn't anyways, since I am nothing BUT amazing, but a little bit more. So, I live with my dad, step-mother, 3 step-brothers, sister, and brother. All of them are older than me except my sister. She wishes she were older than me though... probobly. She tends to go back anf forth from my moms house, my house, and somewhere inbetween. But my real-brothers girlfriend is ere so much, its like she lives here too. Then alot of times someone bring friends over, and thats wat i call a full house. It's hard to keep secrets in ths house. but it's aso kinda easy. If word of something gets out to wrong people then everyone knows, others will hold it for themselves.... im rambling again. I think I pretty much wrapped the whole deal up... oh, I don't know if you could answer the question on my test in the blog thing or not, but, I AM magical, thank you VERY much. Oh, and just by the way, Kellye is the coolest cat down that ally. Although, were she in my ally, i might hafta bust a cap, cause im obiously the coolest cat down THIs ally. But she is THE cool cat of the year. Lets all give a round of aplause for Kelllyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee!!! *yaah* *yaah* *clap clap clap* Peace

My Interests

It's complicated.Take This Quiz - 21651-941363&

I'd like to meet:

A real super hero. But since i seriously doubt there is anyone who has supernatural powers who would use them for anything constructive, I probobly won't meet them.
This or that...
Halloween or Christmas? christmas. nothins stoppin you from dressin up then too. :)
Coke or Pepsi? Orange Juice
Beer or wine? Beer gets you more fucked up, but wine is my preference.
City or country? city. We have a nice diversity thing goin on here.
Night or day? Day. Without it, what about sunrises?
Study or party? PARTY!
Dogs or cats? cats
Modern or classic? classic
Sweet or sour? sour
Ketchup or mustard? ketchup. mustard is nastey. ketchup is kinda good on burgers
Water or soda? Watre.
Snow or rain? Snow and rain at the same time.
Family or friends? Friends. more so, Cheslea.
Late nights or early mornings? early mornings.
TV or computer? computer.
Quiet or loud? quiet.
White or black? orange.
Being deaf or being blind? deaf.
Art or sports? Art.
Food or drink? food, because, i can get liquid out of fruit.
Movies or concerts? concerts.
Skittles or M&M's? skittles.
Inside or outside? outside, without misquitos
Hot or cold? hot.
Comedy or horror? comedy
Paralyzed or retarded? paralyzed. id just be on alot of drugs.
LOL or ROFLMAO? lol.
Glasses or contacts? i like the idea of contacts, yet i seem incapable of getting it in my eye. so, glasses.
MySpace or Live Journal? myspace, yo.



I listen to ALL KINDS of music. Usually i don't listen to rap, but as of late, I enjoy it as well as other things. Most people say they like all music and then later say except classic or opera or whatever. That is not the case for me. I need a wide variety to keep me entertained.


Oh I don't know. Good ones. The kind that give you the chills. The kind that leave you trembling in their wake. Maybe an action movie, or romance. These movies are the kinds that I like. Not movies that I think were kind of good, but the kind that say, I amd Movie, HERE ME ROAR!


Well, i'm going to have to say, that TV isn't a very good thing. Sure, comercials advertise products, and sure the news and all. But everything else, is just a waste of time, and traps you in a prolonged sense of stupidity. Like, when you listen to music and your in the middle of a song, your inclined to listen to it all and not stop in the middle. The same goes for TV and the middle of a show. Although, music has been scientifically proven to help the brains development. No such examination has taken place on TV, and i'm pretty damn sure that if it were, it would have a negetive effect. So, I watch TV from time to time, and I enjoy it when I do. But i try to spend my time elsewhere.


Reading is my favorite thing to do. I love books like people. I don't live in them though. I do things that I read about, or wish I could, as some books may have to do with defeating some God while riding great dragons. I love any kind of book as long as the bok itself is good. But i usually don't vernture farther than Sci-Fi and suff. But, I am a nerd. I have a grand collection od D&D books of which I use to play Dungeons and Dragons.


I don't have a hero acually. I don't think that i should think of anyone/anything so highly as to change my pattern of behaviour to apease the ideas the hero/hero's might claim as their own.

My Blog

My thoughts.

In the beginning, there was existence. Where did existence come from? Why, existence must be, cannot be created nor destroyed, and is inconceivably eternal. If existence were to be sucked up into noth...
Posted by Growl. on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 05:50:00 PST

Me quiz

Create your own friendquiz here...
Posted by Growl. on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 07:27:00 PST

Things only people who are not idiots should read

For eveything that happens, there is a reason. Whether it is seen or not, it is there.
Posted by Growl. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST