Not looking....but Friends are cool (not the kind with benefits, thank you). Sense of humor is a must! Stalkers need not apply (unless you are wearing a hockey mask and are packing nail polish to paint my toes---just fucking kidding, that would really creep me out unless I know you, and if I knew you...well that would make me laugh my ass off!). Desperate persons with no life and are looking for someone to MAKE you happy....well I won't make you happy.
Ohhh, and Music is great!
Create Your Own!
L.A. Guns Concert @ the Funky Frog
You name it...I may or may not know who it is...but I probably like it, really...I like all kinds of muzak. (Well unless you haven't made it but think you are the shit and started a street team and a fan club. Please...when you make it and you have been shown the money, big fuckin've probably earned your position and your fans and thus can feel free to have the biggest self-glorifying, fan appreciating, tits-n-ass, or not so tits-n-ass fan club and/or street team you want, but wait, because until then, it is just fucking stupid). Korn, Enya, Disturbed, Loreena McKennit, Hole, Linkin Park, Dido, Seether, Imogen Heap....etc... I like a very wide range of music. Even on a rare
p get the picture (I like other movies too, of course: Comedies, Drama, Action...pretty much anything but Martial arts movies)
My kids hold this device captive. But I used to be a big Buffy and Angel Fan, back in the day :)
Vampires, Wherewolves, and Faye! Oh My!I like Laurell K. Hamilton
People who inspire me....My Mom is a great one, so are my kids...nothing quite like KNOWING you can stand on your own two feet...And if you can allways get back up. Mom also gave me the seeds to grow my own ball garden...I have a prize winning pair of brass ones, that allways seem to bloom when I need 'em.