A TRYBUTE 2 THEE LEGENDARY ORIFICE OF SATAN. I SHALL REMITT THEE FOLLOWING TREATISE OV MINE ERUDITION, VIRILITY, JOVIAL GOODWILL AND TRICKERY:I was born under the sign of the scales. Appropriate for a man of the law, such as myself. Though I'm studying our judicial system, I enjoy the Depraved, just like any of you. I feel it's important to be balanced, you know. Get it? Everything is circular. I worship only Mother Goddesses and I love you. Look to the clouds, you may see Shiva's right tit. Milk it, you'll find the answer. Praise the fallen Princess Rhodope. Welcome the Beast. Friendship bracelets are not to be taken lightly. Weave one, add a flourish or two, you'll see. Bond yourself to another, break that bond, and continue. Challenge and test, challenge and test.....Even our forefathers had something to say. Listen to everyone, open your minds PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!! Had I known I would've lost my virginity in the year of the ninety-third current, I could have saved myself a wretched, wretched childhood of failed twist-off sessions!-
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