Scott Neubert, because he sent me this
"i just woke up cause i had the worste dream ever 2 pumas were trying to hunt me down and i kept fighting them off by shooting and wacking them with this bb gun then i made it to this cabin and people were there but they wouldnt help me then one got inside i captured it and tried to choke it out by putting a plastic bag over its head and the other one was all pissed and trying to bust in and im like screaming and stuff and all the people at the cabin kept saying i was mean to animals and im still trying to choke the puma out but its like biting my hands so i finally knocked it out and the other puma left to try to find another way into the house to kill me so i threw the dead puma outside and everyone saw me doing it and got all pissed then a bear whos name was "urgas bear" called me on my cell phone asking me about what i was doing cause he heard that i was hurting animals and how it wasnt cool then the dead puma i threw outside gets up and books it back into the forest so now theres two pumas outside again then i woke up"