Acting, Theatre, slightly off-beat Cinema (I'm not a big fan of actual Art House stuff), Journalism, Philosophy (specifically, surprise surprise, Objectivism). I like doing things and stuff and crap. And writing.
If they were still alive: Ayn Rand, Hunter S Thompson and Stanislavski. Of the people who are alive, I'd love to meet Warren Ellis and Leonard Peikoff, and any one of the actors, philosophers, writers, musicians or whomever I admire.Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
Far too many bands to mention, so I'll just list my absolute favourites: Bright Eyes, The Eels, Eminem, Bad Religion, Yoko Kanno, Third Eye Blind, My Chemical Romance and Cake.
Clerks, The Crow, Donnie Darko, 2001, Factotum, Full Metal Jacket, Garden State, Ghost in the Shell 2 (I didn't enjoy the 1st as much as the 2nd), Resevoir Dogs, The Life Aquatic, Platoon, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Monty Python (all), The Omen, Star Wars, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest, Cowboy Bebop, American History X, Team America, Serenity, Shaun of the Dead, A Clockwork Orange, You Me and Everyone We Know, The Beat My Heart Skipped, Sin City, Ishtar, Back to the future (I + II + III).Many more I've missed off in the sake of lazyness. Like 'Little Miss Sunshine', 'Dans Paris' and 'Six Degrees of Separation'.img src="" alt="Factotum"
24, The Simpsons, South Park, 24, Family Guy, American Dad, Whose Line Is It Anyway, Peep Show, The Office, Extras, House M.D. and Sealab 2021
Factotum, Fight Club, The Perks of Being A Wallflower, The Catcher in the Rye, American Gods, Haunted, Adrian Mole, Isaac Asimov's robot stories (I,Robot, The Caves of Steel etc), The Curious Incident of the Dead Dog in the Night Time, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil, The Antichrist, Nineteen Eighty-Four, Animal farm, Down and Out in Paris and London, Trainspotting, The Iliad and The Aeneid, Freakonomics, Meditations (Descartes' and Aurelius'), Empire, Catcher in the Rye, Transmetropolitan, 1602, DAvid Boring, Ghost World, The Demon Haunted World, The Foundtainhead and Atlas Shrugged.
Hunter S Thompson, Bukowski, Rand, Banksy, Mr E, Maddox, Warren Ellis, Spider Jerusalem, Ze Frank, Nietzsche and Machiavelli