SERAPHILMS profile picture


You should've told me how good the cheese was!

About Me

The Filmmaker:
Bronx-born Ronaldo Sevilla became fascinated with the art of cinema at a very young age. As a teenager, he spent much of his time shooting amateur films with his friends and classmates.
Several short films later, (THE MAYOR OF MURRAY HILL, THE TRUTH DIES WITH YOU, FAREWELL DREAMS, ESTRANGER I KNEW) he now hopes to create commercially successful projects that are also spiritual, thought provoking, and artistically innovative.

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My Blog

The Director Game

Which incredibly talented director said the following quotes?"A FILM should strive to be many things. It should trigger lost memories. It should nurture new ideas. It should be ambitious in its constr...
Posted by Seraphilms on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 04:45:00 PST