mmhmm, my tennis career has sadly ended. but i play for kicks. and PARTYYYY!!!!!!!!!
jack's mannequin is always good for the soul. the occasional rap and hip hop. but nothing can top the JACK JOHNSON o shieeet
disney movies are always a must, especially finding nemo! that movie brings tears to my eyes everytime... gotta go with classics like billy!
the PRICE is RIGHT!! with boBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB barkERRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!i wanna be on that show one day... get my name called by rich fields and go to contestants a prize... play the game "one away" and win a car... spin the wheel and get a dollar, spin again and land on the dollar to win 10 G's.... win the showcase showdown...get within 250 bucks of my own showcase, and win them both! :) or maybe just go on price is right million dollar spectacular! i love that show!
uhm... i prefer the old skool dr. seuss such as cat in the hat... i actually know some phrases from those books...i will eat green eggs and ham...sam i am...
the card magician from xmen..... GAMBIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!