well recently my life is been filled with a bunch
of "jerk" who cant seem to fight wihout
announcing to the whole world.. i think thats
sucks..really do..but i juz dont give a damn coz i
know them for a very long time..well i also know
their dad's name like DoLLah, MaiL,Brahim..and
banyak lagi la..but seriously they really can make
u wanna blow their head or scream the hell out.
but if it wasn't for them i won't b having such a
good time in the most boring place in the whole
world...lendu..guys uknow wuts the place is..
the time when we use to hang out evrynite at cafe,
when u guys kutuk2 each other's mum or
dad...and even worse u guys start to kutuk other's
but guys u do know that u all juz too old to play
kutuk2 game anymore...so juz find the right girl,
get married., go get laid, and start a family...
-THE END-~ well this msg is dedicated to all the luvliest
creature that i used to hangout with......I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!