His name...Wes Moussignac. Straight from Haiti to the United States, Wes is sure to be a face and name to know and love. Residing in the Bronx, Wes is the CEO and founder of the upcoming movement he named appropriately DFC Vision Co. 'defining Fresh Concepts' known for their high end design work: building brands, logo & graphic design and web development.He came to the United States in 1986 with his father and sister to meet his mother, who had previously arrived, to escape the violence that the militant rebel group was causing the people of Haiti at the time. Wes is now a journalist working for Liberty News online publication writing articles doing photography work and soon to launch his own publication, Clock Tower News online. Read my blogs at twitter.com/clocktowernews.Check out my new documentary " The War In Gaza Protest "div style="position:absolute;..;left:0px;top:0px;width:150px;hei
Myspace Layouts