I'm a mom to 2 girls, Becca and Ali, 13 and 10. Becca has Mitochondrial Depletion Syndrome and Autism. Ali just has being 10 as her problem. We've got 2 dogs, Jager, a flat coated retriever,and Mac, a rolly polly pug. I am loving having my 18mo old nephew a couple days a week. He's a jem. And then there's RUBY! Oh, she's a doll! I love Ebaying, buying and selling. I am a HUGE Warren Zevon fan. Jordan, too, btw. We made it to Barre for sunday brunch at LACE. It was fantastic. I got to see Crystal again and I met Ariel and saw her cuties, Max and Gus, and Ben too. Please buy a copy of "I'll sleep when I'm dead: the dirty life and times of Warren Zevon" by Crystal Zevon