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About Me

I'm super ADD!!! first off. ...........wait....what were we talking about??? Want to go ride bikes?........oh yeah, Now the rest: I grew up in Lake Tahoe. Yes...people actually do "live" there!!! Crazy huh!?! I live in L.A. now and work as a photographer. It's a great life. :) I'm quite motivated and focused on my career. I figure that if I work hard now, then I will be able to play that much sooner down the road. I have a weird outlook on life and always picture myself in a post apocalyptic zombie movie just strappin and survivin....especially in downtown LA where the homeless look like real zombies!According to the "Which Big Lebowski character are you?" quiz:
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Which famous photographer are you?
Helmut Newton: Known for fashion and nudes illustrating themes of mass media, glamour, sex, and theater
"I get inspired, in America, by a certain kind of sleaziness."

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I fingured out how to use the Blog thing!!!! What the hell does blog mean anyway???? Boycott Losers from Orange Grove? Bring lemons out greedily? Boil Lobsters On Grandma???...........whatever..........
Posted by on Wed, 02 Mar 2005 21:55:00 GMT