Yeah it's that qirl! The name is Alisha,Like you already didnt know that. Iv'e bet you have heard of me,qood or bad i really could care less.Im seventeen years old,My birthday is October 28th.I was born here in Roanoke Virqina. I walk the halls of Glenvar Hiqh.
I have the most amazinq family in this world. My friends are the shit,qet over it (: I love to take pictures && art class. Im a very blunnt person ill tell you how it is. I hate people who are fake to there self and others. Just be striqht up with me && we will qet alonq just fine.I am qay, I kiss qirls not boys,Sorry if you think thats qross. I plan to do somethinq with my life. Im not scared to try new thinqs im qame for just about anythinq.Im the shit so dont be scared to qet to know mehh!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
My God Baby
I cant wait to see you! Im going to love you more than anyone can!