Music... its food to my soul... like the air i breathe... Its always been in me and will never go away... My voice is an outlet to my passion... Singing is my reason.... haha...
Dancing... its my passtime... Like a job on the side... Its hidden... but once in a while... it gets out... LOL... its a way to let out fun...
Writing... Its what im all about... Like putting my thoughts on paper... for the world to read... Ive loved it since i can remember... from writing songs... to letters... notes... to poetry... Its my Stress reliever... and... Creativity.
...the one who completes me...
...anything and everything...[R&B][Slow Jams][Hip-Hop] [Alternative][Rock][Country] [Oldies][Classical][Tagalog][Korean]
DaVinciCode, Angels&Demons, The Giver
GoD... If it wasnt for him... i wouldnt be here...
My NUMBER 1... My...BESTEST cousin FRIEND sister GIRL strength JOY happiness LAUGHTER otherhalf STRESSRELIEVER soulbeliever ...My AIR My LOVE my EVERYTHING... Beverly Ann Zaragoza Vargas
And without these two.. i wouldnt be here either.. LOVE YOU DAD N MOM..