I am a Serial Parallel Entrepreneur. I do not sleep. I do not rest. I hustle. Here are the things I believe.
1. You have to live in your truth. If you spend your time chasing the dreams of others or living the life of someone you're not you will only be on a road to depression.
2. For most people you gotta dumb it down. If I went to a bar and started talking about Kant, sophism, and the devaluation of the dollar, then I'd probably have a horrible time. I go to bars to drink by the way. I like drinking.
3. If hip hop is dead, Nas killed it. oochy wally. Hypocrite. Go buy the young jeezy album. At least you know what to expect.
4. Myspace is not the real world. You are not your profile. Everybody is cute when they can pick their pictures. Get out in the real world. It's more fun.
5. The only reason I'm not rich now is because I've been too smart for my own good. You can over think everything. I'm done thinking. Let's do it.
6. Wearing logos is stupid. I don’t work for Nike. Or Gucci. I don’t believe in false tribalism.
7. American public schools suck. The teachers have no autonym. Show them some respect.
8. You can go at anytime. Your life has a 100% discount rate.
9. Google will have the largest one day decline in market cap ever. If I had enough reserves I'd short sell.
10. I don't like cool people. I like enthusiasm. Cool is for losers.
11. Be more honest. It's easier.
12. People will treat you like you let them treat you. If you're getting pushed around it's only because you like it. So stop whining.
13. Wesley Autrey (the man who jumped in front of the subway car to save another man's life) is a hero. George W. Bush is not.
14. I bet Game sucks his thumb.
15. Tupac is the MOST overrated rapper ever. If he had lived another 4 years he would have ended up like Ja Rule. Yeah, I said it.
16. There is a higher power out there. I don't pretend to understand it. I just go with the flow.
17. If your life sucks, go volunteer. It will suck less, instantaneously.
-I'll update this when I feel like it...
My life is AWESOME!!!and then some.