About Me
I am an artist, I think.My memory is rather poor and I forget things very easy.I've worked 2 jobs in my life, the first was bagging groceries. The second was in a home improvement store where I watered flowers and mixed colors of paint. I learned a hell of a lot about color by dealing with mixing paint, and watering flowers.Repetitive things really interest me, and so do boring things, like square boxes.Logo's and advertising really bother me and I try very hard to remove tags, labels, and brand marking from everything I own. At the same time, a lot of my art looks like logo's and icons, so I guess I really do like them in a way.Simplicity is the key to happiness, I believe, and I try to minimize everything. One shirt, one type of pants, one pencil, one pen, one toothbrush, one underwear, one sock, one glove, one hat, one shoe, one chair, one bed, one fork, one spoon, one knife, one plate, one bowl, one type of everything. It's much easier to think about things this way. It's actually much easier to just not think at all, but I have not thought about how that would be possible yet.I once had this idea to start wearing only black clothes because waking up in the morning and having a closet full of all the same shirt and pants... but of different colors, was still too confusing for me. I'm still contemplating this idea.For as much as I would like to deny it, I'm a neat freak and love to organize things and come up with orders, groupings and arrangements of those things. I really love multiples of things and repetitive things.While out to dinner, I always have to place the salt and pepper shakers next to each other, because they can never be apart and they bother me when they are.I truly feel that I'm really only good at one thing, and that is making art. By "good", I mean good by my standards, and that I'm better at making art then I am say, socializing, playing sports, writing, cooking, etc.I really don't like "things" all that much. Unless of course they have importance, a purpose or someone gave it to me. Then I keep them forever. But I'm constantly trying to eliminate things that come into my possession and serve no purpose or meaning.I always have something to say, about everything, but rarely do I say it because I can usually rationalize enough reasons in my brain to convince myself it's better if I say nothing.I often contradict everything I say. It's really a way of trying to understand things from both sides. Black and white. This or that.