[♥]Serena/Sailor Moon *Happy* profile picture

[♥]Serena/Sailor Moon *Happy*

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Hi! My name is Sailor Moon! I am the champion of justice and i will right all wrongs! Anyways, i have so many freinds like Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Venus, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Saturn, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Pluto ♥ I love them all so much because they are my best freinds!!! Well back to me, I love all sorts of sweets like Rice Cakes,Jelly Beans,Cake,Pie,Cookies,Brownies,Icecream u name it! Well, the love of my life is Darian, or Tuxedo Mask!!! I was born in the Moon Kingdom, but Queen Barrel and her Nega trash destroyed it! So my mother Queen Serenity (love that name) took the Moon Crtystal and used all of her powers trying to get all of us moved and reborn back on the planet earth! So now I live with my Little brother,my mom,my dad,and my little sister. My little sister is also a scout, her name is Sailor Mini Moon i think its cute ^-^ its like a mini me! Anyways, me and Darian and destined to get married! And i will end up having Mini Moon as my child. I have a cat named Luna shes another one of my best freinds, she was also sent down with me and the others to planet earth with (what i like to call boyfreind) Artimus! Well anyways i will add more later! I have to go fight Queen Barrel! Later! ♥N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y Click here to make Falling Objects N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y N e o - Q u e e n S e r e n i t y
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
MADEBY:Sakura Haruno♥ Which of the original 5 Sailor Soilders are you?{Sailor Mercury, Sailor Venus, Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars, or Sailor Jupiter}
Your Sailor Moon!You are very loyal to your friends...Clumsy some times but very loyal and kind..now thats a sailor soldier!
Take this quiz !
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My good freind Sailor Saturn Me and my daughter Rini the princess of the Moon Kingdom.

My Interests

Some of my interests are:
♥Hanging out with the scouts.
♥Eating Junk food!
♥Kissing my love, Darian...
♥And fighting Queen Barrel along side the rest of the scouts!
My husband tucking our daughter Rini into bed. My Adorable daughter Rini

I'd like to meet:

♥My mother, Queen Serenity
Me, my husband, and my beautiful daughter Rini princess of the Moon Kingdom


I like all kinds of music,but heres a list:
♥Mariah Carrey
♥Destinys Child
♥Boa Boa
♥Kid Rock
♥Pa Pa Roach
♥Good Charlotte

(Will add more later!!!♥)

*sighs* looks like they are in love Aww Rini's blushing...*sigh* how cute... WE'RE ALL PRINCESSES!!! Luv ya Mina and Rei!!!(2 off my best frends in real life!!)


Some of my favorite movies are:
♥All Sailor Moon Movies
♥All Inuyasha Movies
♥All Naruto Movies
♥Corpse Bride
♥Oliver and Company
♥Ring 1 && 2
♥Saw 1 && 2
♥The Exorcism Of Emily Rose
♥The Grudge
♥The Notebook
♥Dark Water
♥The House Of Wax

(Will add more later!!!)

How would your anime family look like? (pics) by Princess Sakura
Name/ Usersname:
Favorite Color:

Quiz created with MemeGen !


Hmm...I dont usually have time for TV but heres a list of shows i like:
♥Sailor Moon
♥Fruits Basket
♥Full Metal Alchemist
♥Card Captors
♥Desperate House Wives

(Will add more later!!!♥)




Here is a list of my heroes:
♥Sailor Moon
♥Sakura Haruno
♥Sakura(from Card Captors)
♥Winry Rockbell
♥And last but not least, My mother Queen Serenity

(Will add more later!!!♥)