White House Salaries
Have you ever thought of working in the White House? Check out these salaries: http://nationaljournal.com/about/njweekly/stories/2006/0711n j1.htm#Posted by on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 10:38:00 GMT
A lesson on lightning
Lightning strikes Earth on an average of about 100 times every second, which averages to more than 8 BILLION times per year. The odds of being struck by lightning in the US in any one year are 1...Posted by on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 10:35:00 GMT
About my top friend
Matt Piochinski: 1. What's their name? Matt 2. What's their last name? Piochinski (sp?) 3. Is the person younger or older than you? Older (which I know b/c he posted it on MySpace last week) 4. Gay, b...Posted by on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 14:06:00 GMT
A lesson on Zip Codes
One of the "benefits" of sitting in front of a computer all day is that often times your job requires you to surf internet in search of all sorts of information.......... And thus, I gi...Posted by on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 13:08:00 GMT
Good TV viewing
Last night as I was channel surfing I came across a show "Small Town Secrets" or something like that and they were in a town called Lind (in WA state, I think) and the segment I saw featured all the t...Posted by on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 08:44:00 GMT
Value of time
I was going to post something truly profund about the power of McDonald's marketing, but I like this much better. To realize> The value of a sister> Ask someone> Who doesn't have one> > > To re...Posted by on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 07:11:00 GMT
Website of the day
www.oddtodd.com Be sure to check out the animations.Posted by on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 13:53:00 GMT
It's not a sport
Yesterday, or the day before, I was channel surfing since the Cubs were losing (again) and even though I pay $40 for my DirecTV they still don't offer the 24 hour cool-shit channel. Anyhoo, I sa...Posted by on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 19:31:00 GMT
Web site of the day (but I probably won't do one everyday)
Web site of the day: http://www.overheardinnewyork.com/Posted by on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 18:35:00 GMT
My second post
Now that I have my first blog post out of the way, can I just say I'm a fan of the True.com ads. Call em smutty or disgusting if you want, but those girls are easy on the eyes.Posted by on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 18:33:00 GMT