i really like anything that can amuse me. music, bmx, collins mom, surfing, goin to shows, snowboarding, collins mom, muddin with the crew, boxin, and hangin out with friends and also collins mom
How bad ass is the new Jeep?
Bad Ass!!!!!
seen better Cherokees
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the perosn who 1st knew cows had milk, santa, chuck noris and my real parents...
blindside, haste the day, showbread, showdown, fif, 12 stones, a.r.o.t., a change of pace, a thorn for every heart, the agony scene, anberlin, chevelle, crossfade, dead poetic, emery, faded glory, falling up, flyleaf,kutless, lostprophets, mxpx, no hollywood ending, norma jean, p.o.d, relint k, runner up, skillet, spoken, story of the year, switchfoot, taking back sunday, there for tomarrow, thousand foot krutch, under oath, the used, your ex hero, zao, my chemical romance, the killers.....and more but i don't feel liek changing it
The ATC Crew. ..
eff a t.v
books... janele threw them away
jake with this narcore hole! .. and these two goons haha