Music!!! Reading, writing... cinema... Art,Indie, history, politics, geography, poetry, psychology, Cuba, dreams, friends, lovers, cd-theque :)
You Belong in London
A little old fashioned, and a little modern.
A little traditional, and a little bit punk rock.
A unique woman like you needs a city that offers everything.
No wonder you and London will get along so well.
What City Do You Belong In?
Ani Difranco :) The sweet and amazing Nadine Khouri, Nina Nastasia, Laura Veirs, Anais Mitchell, Feist, Joan as policewoman, Sol Seppy, kaki king, Alela Diane, PJ Harvey, Nick Cave, Andrew Bird, Jeff Buckley, Bob Dylan, Kings of convenience, Tegan and Sara, scissors sisters, Arcade Fire, The kills, The clash, The new government, Lumi, Scrambled eggs, La chambre, April Ash, The suicides, Khat ahmar, Ashekman, Rayess Bek... Camille, Damien Saez, Barbara, Michel Berger, Yann Tiersen, Valerie Leulliot, Tania Saleh, Latino music, folk, Indie
Paris-Texas, Wings of desir, Eternel sunshine of the spotless mind, The hours, Elephant, Persepolis, Les meduses, Nausicaa, Boys don't cry, The squid and the whale, V for Vendetta, the life of David Gale, Imaginary Heroes, In America, Mon petit doigt m'a dit
BIG LOVE, tell me you love me, Grey's anatomy, Cold case, L word, Desperate Housewives, Code Lyoko, Golden girls, War at home.. o! and Chic
Le livre de mon ami, La promesse de l'aube, Harry Potter, les hauts de Hurle vents, Artemis Fowl, A la croisee des mondes, Le seigneur des anneaux, Arsene Lupin, Anatole France, Philippe Claudel, Verlaine, Musset, Prevert, Maurice Careme, Aragon, Appolinaire... Hikayat (short stories by lebanese woman)
Arsene Lupin, Michel Vaillant, and Ani Di