Name? Marika
Guy or girl? Girl
What kind of hair? straight lol
Do you like school? Yes
Where do you live? denver
What is your favorite activity that you've done?
What color eyes do you have? brown
How old are you? 18
what is your favorite colors? blue and black
Do you have a job? yes
In any school activities? no
What is your favorite band?
What do you do in your spare time?
Ever get in a fight? yes
Ever get beat up in a fight? nah
Do you play any sports? nah
What is your favorite food? no se
Do you have a hero? yes
If so who is it? my grandma
What is your height? 5'6''
Where were you born? denver
What are your fears?
Goal for this year? to graduate
What is the best thing about you? i'm always there when someone needs me _______ OR ________ (answer quickly, dont think)
Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla
Coke or pepsi? pepsi
Right or left? right
Single or group dates? single
Iced tea or hot tea? iced tea
White or black? black
Boy or girl? boy
Love or hate? love
Wild or calm? calm
Heaven or hell? heaven
Eat or drink? drink
Hot or cold? hot
Buy or take? buy
USA or not USA? usa
Me or you? you
Paper or plastic? plastic
Hurt or healed? healed
Life or death? life
Beef or chicken? chicken
Loud or not loud? loud
Heavy or light? light
Follow or lead? lead
Win or lose? win
Rock or rap? rap
Feel pain or feel nothing? feel pain
Laugh or cry? laugh
Rain or sun? rain
Day or night? night
Friends or family family
Color or colorless color
Freedom or rules? freedom IN A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND
In a boyfriend / girlfriend? boyfriend
Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? no
Do you want one? sure
What color hair should they have?? doesnt matter
Should they have long or short hair? doesnt matter
What is a good height? 5'7" or higher
What weight? dont matter
What heritage? doesnt matter
Should they have a tan? no
Does it matter if they smoke? nope
Does it matter if they drink? nope
What type of clothes? hmmm
Anything else that you would want in a boyfriend / girlfriend? STUFF PEOPLE MIGHT NOT WANNA KNOW
Have you ever smoked? no
Do you smoke? no
Do you drink? no
Have you done drugs? no
Do you do drugs? no
Are you staight? Gay? both? staright
Do you consider yourself hott? yup
Do you like your own personality? yup
What do you like most about a girl?
What do you like most about a guy?
Are you a good friend? yes
Are you prude? no
What do you hate about yourself?
What makes you really mad?
Are you a show-off or do you try to be? no
How do you want to die?
What do you hate? (,people,anything) CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!
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